Reading Auras Part Two: The Client!
There are several ‘guidelines’ or ‘steps’ you should follow when you begin reading auras for other people. These range from picking out a specific location in your house for conducting spiritual work so as to keep this area free of negative energy and kids toys, to making sure you have comfortable shoes. Lord knows how you screw up auras when your feet are being pinched. You should also ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish, the same question that your parents would ask when you were doing something they believed was a total waste of your time. Now of course, since you’re moved out you don’t have to put up with that stuff.
Preparation Techniques
Because thought is energy, and thinking it makes it so, the images you visualize are manifested or created on the ethereal (spiritual) plane. While on that plane, take a look around: you may never know what you may find. People leave all kinds of stuff in the seat pouch. I practice this with friends’ couch cushions as well. Meditation can be used to provide added focus and positive energy for the creation of these images. Using positive meditation, and visualizing your goal, can help protect you from any negative energy that the client may bring into your dojo. They can track in negative energy like a dog tracks in mud. Beware. Maybe make them take off their shoes...
Selecting an Environment
Informal readings, those you do for a pet, a plant, or your '67 Mustang (see other posts), may not require or even be practical for these guidelines. Formal readings, those you do for yourself or others, are typically done in a home, alternative medicine clinic, or at parties to show people up. The actual place doesn't really matter, as long as you are comfortable and feel secure, there is a restroom near for emergencies, maybe some handy snacks (chips, but not too crunchy, it might disturb the air and morph the colors you're supposed to read), and you can control the energy flow in the room. You don’t want people getting sprayed by drive-by energy.
There are many methods to prepare a room for a reading. Native American traditions use smudge sticks to replace negative energies with positive forces from the Great Spirit. They are also pretty good for making charcoal sketches of the energy for your clients, which usually goes over pretty big. Many people use select crystals arranged in specific patterns throughout the room to ward off any unwanted energies. Sorry, fake plastic ones don’t work nearly as well as real rocks. Some people use candles and meditations, while others use a combination of these, these people are showoffs. Some use Febreze to cleanse the room, others may light a match, but that doesn’t really fool anyone.
If you're reading for someone, you may consider taping the sessions for your client. This provides them with a record of their reading for future reference. It also gives you evidence in case of any legal actions. This should be considered extra, and added to the bill later.
If the reading is for yourself, tape your perceptions. This will give you evidence in case of any legal action you may take against yourself. Check back with your notes after a week or so (if there are no legal actions) and see if what you saw has come to pass. If it doesn't fit, force it until it does.
Before your client comes, you might do a little meditating to get your own aura out of the way, so you may better see theirs, otherwise it’s like looking out through aura colored glasses. You might be able to will a hole, or ‘viewing screen’ in your aura as well, rather than having to move the whole thing, because then you’ll have to find a place to put it. Or, just shake your head vigorously, do this in front of the client, as it can only promote confidence.
Preparing the Client
After you have set-up the room, lit your match and waved your burnt sticks, give yourself a few moments to calm down. Breath in, breath out, shake it out, have a Fresca. If you're reading for a client, allow time for them to calm down and relax from the drive. Don’t schedule clients during rush hour, or radio drive time, as this can cause stress. Spend a few moments in pleasant conversation. Ask them about their day, how things are going, how their team is doing, what their no-good brother is up to, gathering as much info as you can to use later. Explain what an aura is and how it can help a person decipher and address any current issues they may have. Discuss your fees later if possible, as you’re trying to keep them calm.
When your comfortable with their energy level, light a small white candle to symbolize the joining of conscious minds, or light a match. Imagine the flame is being lit from within your spiritual body and is reaching out to connect with your client. Imagine your ex is the wick, as the flames lick up and burn… Sorry, too soon.
Concluding a Session
When you have completed a reading, for yourself or for a client, be sure to ask if there are any outstanding questions. If not, close the session with a prayer of thanks to your guide(s), and then present your bill. Your spirit guide doesn’t get a cut, unless they ask, of course. But then, what’s a spirit going to do with twenty bucks?
Providing information about an aura is an admirable quality and beats working. But if no action is taken to alleviate any problem areas, then the reading is generally pointless, like not charging. Schedule many return visits, or ‘spiritual check-ups’, just to be sure things are all right. Offer a discount for return visits as an incentive. Think of yourself as a sort of 'aura chiropractor' offering spiritual adjustments. When you practice reading yourself, you must set your ego aside and trust your first impressions. You also don’t have to charge yourself your full rate, but come to an agreement with yourself. Do this before hand so as not to be upset with yourself before the reading, or you’ll be in danger of throwing yourself off, impeding your accuracy…which what it’s really all about. Don't second guess what you see, simply record it and determine what its implication is to your life later on. Or not.
In closing, let me say that reading aura's is as hard as you want to make it. Squinting, nodding and staring off thoughtfully into the middle distance helps you look like you know what you're doing as well.
Next, we discuss astrology. Grab your charts and meet us here.